Maris Somerville aka Grannybooster understands the challenges of those of us over 50 years of age. Yet, in many ways we seniors are younger-thinking and more active than our grandmothers were at our age. We have more in common with young people than we have differences in that we want to enjoy life, travel, keep our health, engage with other people, and be digitally savvy.

This is why we are bringing you – the over-50 senior – the resources you need to have fun, be mobile, and, above all, remain independent for as long as possible. On Grannybooster, we feature useful gadgets, implements, and tools for seniors; information for caregivers and about caregiving; great informational resources for everything from age-attractive, comfortable clothing and shoes, to smartphone apps. cool tips on merchandise and services discount programs; and advice on where to go for various types of assistance.

We hope that you experience and enjoy Grannybooster, and we urge you to contact us at if you have a particular area of interest that you would like us to cover on Grannybooster.

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Senior resources you need to have fun, be mobile, and, above all, remain independent for as long as possible